My trip to the asylum with my Flickr and friends and photo enthusiasts from work gave some additional knowledge and inspiration to get my flash out more often.
Since I'm working half days now (6 a.m.-6 p.m.) -- I rarely shoot during the daylight, so there's lots of time to practice, not that I have committed to a photo a day for the year.
This was one of more than 50 shots I took -- the sky started out colorful, but considerable lighter). Problem was I needed my tripod for the camera, and I had only my GorllaPod (LOVE THIS) to mount the flash onto. Just couldn't get it high enough. There is a light stand in my near future.
So I held the flash in my left hand, and varied intesity, with/without the diffuser, etc. It kept getting darker and darker, but near the end, it looked like I had a series of good shots.
Alas, I wasn't in focus. I was getting cold, and didn't zoom ein enough on my preview screen to discern the fuzziness.
Composing myself and getting into focus is the most maddening part of this entire 366-Day project ... but I wager I'll have it figured out before the year is up.