I lived the beautiful Skagit Valley of Washington State for nearly 20 years, but
last year (2007) was the first time I ever tried to capture tulips.
This year, with the help of my D80, I was hoping to do even more, but the weather and my schedule is against me.
I had one more day to try for some tulip shots this year, and as we were heading to the fields ... it started snowing.
And snowing.
On April 20. And no, I do not live in Alaska.
Spring in the Pacific Northwest can be a little unusual, and as odd as it can be, you wait 10 minutes, and it changes.
So, we scouted some fields, and waited for the snow to stop.
It didn't, but snowed more.
After 20 minutes, some of the group headed for the fields. 10 minutes later, I joined them, and the snow started to diminish.
It snowed off and on -- with breaks of bright sunshine -- until about 1000, when the snow stopped for the day.
Later, as I looked at the shots on my PC, I was pleased -- no,
THRILLED, with a few of the shots I captured.
Thanks to my friend John, and the amazing people in the Seattle Flickr Meetups group and the photography club at Microsoft, who have inspired me, and been so generous with their expertise and advice.